Yay! My mum is here and we are having a marathon art session. Last night we watched a video about Frida Kahlo and I learnt about the amazing visual autobiography she created with almost 200 self-portraits showing her constant battle with life. I particularly like her quote: "I didn't know I was a Surrealist until Andre Breton came to Mexico and told me so. I never painted dreams. What I painted was my reality."
Today we went to Leeds Met Art Gallery which I'd never been to before and this obviously stressed me out (in my normal not-being-happy-
there-before type of way) where there was an exhibition with video installations which provided me with inspiration for my project.
We also went to Leeds City Art Gallery where they've re-hung the collection, which unsettled me a bit because I liked the old layout and found it comforting.
Later we watched Tim Marlow talking about the highlights of the Tate Modern's re-hang. (Why is everyone re-hanging suddenly?) Mum and I both worship him and I've heard my Grandma does too!