Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Big, huge, massive effort required to go to college today. I woke up and felt exhausted like I felt earlier in the year. What comes first, stomach problems or tiredness? Does rubbish digestion make me tired or does not moving around much make my stomach poorly, or was it all the cake mix I ate on Friday that screwed my stomach up again?

Anyway today was pretty disastrous, I kept wandering around between the studio and the computer room and the library and couldn't settle. I spoke to a couple of tutors about my project: one gave me loads more artists to research and the other told me to do a photography project on how people use newspapers after they've read them, like make hats or boats out of them (?), which was nothing to do with my original idea. So neither particularly helpful.

Unfortunately I can't really articulate my idea because if I could then I would know what I was doing, but it's something along the lines of commenting on newspapers' role in our society - how with news they're portrayed as telling the truth and with features they present us with a required lifestyle and then I wanted to say something from my own experience about how journalists use people. When you write a story about someone, you're best friends with them, you want to know what's happened in their life and what's happening in their life but afterwards, once the stories written, you couldn't care less about that person. They've served their useful purpose and you're on to the next one. Or something like that...

Also, I still haven't finished my bloody essay that I was meant to do about a month ago. I printed it out today and it was pretty rubbish but I don't feel like working on it now. I'm feeling pretty sleepy and just want to curl up like a cat.


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