Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The rain held off this evening for just long enough for us to have a barbecue on our drive (classy types that we are).

H's friends came over and we had a real feast with delicacies we'd bought from the market this afternoon. As ever, we'd got loads of bargains such as a humongous punnet of mushrooms (so big it can only just fit in a carrier bag) for one pound, (I think we'll be having mushroom soup for the rest of the week) and enough meat to feed five of us (including four blokes) for a fiver!!

Leeds market truly rocks and is a really enjoyable shopping experience unlike evil supermarkets, (check out to see how evil) which (seriously) cause me to have mini panic-attacks at the mere mention of them.

Anyway, I just dropped H and his friend into town to go clubbing and after already being blamed this week for the car having to have a new clutch really embarrassed myself my stalling and then when H told me re-start the car, I said: "Oh, isn't it running?" To which, H replied: "That'll be why your dashboard has lit up like a Christmas Tree!"

At least I got back in time to see the end of the Eurovision song contest. So congratulations crazy Finnish people/animals/things.


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