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Thursday, May 18, 2006

We went on a school trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park yesterday. I wasn't going to go because I'm so far behind with my major project but my friend persuaded me to and I'm really glad she did. It was so nice to get away from stressing about college work for a day and to be inspired by art, and to walk in the countryside. I always forget how much I love trees, grass, lakes and wildlife, as well as how much it totally relaxes me.

I'm all up for moving somewhere near Huddersfield now so we can get a little smallholding going with some chickens and goats. (Yes, really!) Actually what I'd really like is one of those eco-homes which are half-built into the ground and half-made from tyres. But I'm not sure what our eco-neighbours would say about the double garage H would insist on building next to it.


At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smallholding near Huddersfield sounds idilic. I've always wanted some ducks personally but chickens would be good as well.

Did you ever see that amazing Grand Designs a couple of years ago when they designed and built a house into a hillside so half of it was underground and had port holes up to the surface to let the light in and the front was one big wall of glass. It was amazing. I'd love to design something like that but make it entirely energy self sufficent as well and made out of eco friendly products.

Reckon if H's garage was underground as well the neighbours wouldn't even know it was there!!


At 11:52 AM, Blogger Simba said...

Yeah, ducks sound wicked but H reminded me that they might not get on too well with the cats (that we'd obviously have). :(

Maybe you could design us an eco-friendly house. :) I'll start looking for plots of land for sale... x


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