Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Friday, October 31, 2008

Well, here I am having temporarily relocated to London for a few weeks. I went to the Ski show last weekend as my friend Kat had a stand there and I remembered how much I used to like skiing - before I became overly-green and anti-ski...Not sure where I stand on that now as I've remembered how much FUN skiing is! Anyhow, I’ve just about survived my first week here and it was lovely that my Grandpa happened to be in town visiting for a few days so I went out for a lovely meal with him :).

However, unfortunately after arriving in London and being exposed to lots of unfamiliar bugs, I seemed to catch one of them... but hopefully (fingers crossed), the eating of lots of Tunes and drinking plenty of orange juice and green tea and honey seems to have done the trick. Plus the copious amount of sleep and extra antibiotics…

After feeling pretty sick on Wednesday, I saw my friend Elena yesterday who brought me round extra-specially yummy freshly squeezed orange juice from the lovely Waitrose, as well as chocolate, pumpkin seeds and a book. She expected me to be half-dead on the sofa but seeing her made me feel much better and we went out for a nice meal.

Tomorrow I am hopefully seeing my uni friends again (the ones who came to see me in Bath) including my friend Ruth who I haven’t seen SINCE uni! I hadn’t spoken to her for years either but I spoke to her last night and it was like we had never lost touch so I’m looking forward to that lots.

I have also been up to Leeds since I last wrote and caught up with some friends there including Vanessa (whose dog Noodle I used to walk) which was most lovely indeed so I’m doing much better at keeping in touch with people – I could hardly be any worse than I have been!

Finally, I heard today that my cat Mich went to the vets for his annual check-up and passed with flying colours so I’m very happy about that.

And finally, finally Rob who used to live with me in Leeds and who I visited in Australia got married to Anu last weekend. I met Anu in Australia and she was lovely – I’m sure they’ll be very happy together and I wish them lots of love and happiness in their future lives together. xx


At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done Lucy! You are making your social life really happen. Excellent.

Good luck for this week. Keep on taking the Vit C, Echinacea and antibiotics.

Look after yourself, buy lots of healthy ready meals , drink lots of fruit juice and water and be kind to yourself!

Oxfam needs you! Hope it goes well this week.

Don't forget to make plans for the weekend.

much love, Auntie G

At 10:32 PM, Blogger christine said...

Lucy good to see you blogging -- I was wondering how you were - a whole year since you were here - a nice memory -- now I'm off to write Fiona's parents.

We did the big drive across Aussie from Brisbane via darwin to perth -- now ready to sell the car - Thomas and Dee having a month in WA first - all here is fine - happy Christmas. Christine at Fortrose NZ


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