Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I found out today that Noodle's parents have split up and Noodle is going to live with her daddy. Noodle is the dog I walk. This means that I won't be able to walk her anymore. In fact, I might never see her again. :(

We had fun on our weekly walks with me trying to stop Noodle from eating delicacies like chewing gum (her favourite), tea bags and horse manure. (I'm still not sure why there is a horse tethered on the playing field.) Her other favourite games were trying to chase crows which was pretty funny as they really didn't seem bothered as she's only a bit bigger than them and me throwing sticks and then trying desperately to keep up as she ran after it.

I suppose I could join a dog walking agency but I want to walk Noodle (because she's lovely and sweet) and I'm not sure they'd allow me as I'm not really strict enough.

We can't have pets because we rent our house so I'll probably have to get some fish or something, which doesn't really compare. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.


At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Luc,

Sorry to hear about Noodle. He sounded cool. I can highly recommend goldfish as a pets though. I had a lovely goldfish called Brian and he had a great little watersnail friend called Simon who used to live in his bowl.

Maybe you could just advertise your dog walking services without having to join an agency. There must be plenty of other Noodles out there just waiting for some weekly Lucy walking fun!

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Tinypoppet said...

Noodle is a great name for a dog! And you should definitely try an agency, what's the harm in asking?

Also, I can still view my photos on my blog, so I'm not sure what happened when you tried to look last night! Pink hug for Ms Simba xx


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