Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Monday, April 24, 2006

Last night I started panicking about how I was going to keep up the standard of my blog, because apparently some of it is quite funny. (Much funnier than I normally am, Henry says.)

Anyway today, I've had a rubbish day so I'm not bothered about being funny anymore. Also, because I've told lots of people about my blog (in a fit of wild excitement and rare confidence), I feel like I can't moan away. Maybe I should start another anonymous blog where I could just grump away all day but that wouldn't be in the spirit of my blogging which aims to pay homage to Angel. And I do feel like it'd be a shame to revert back to the grumpy me because being bouncy and happy is actually quite fun.

Of course, I could (this might come as a shock to people who know me well) try and make the most of my day. I could write how I actually managed to get up like a normal person and make it to college, how I cycled there, how I was pleased to see people and how on the way home, the verges were being mown and freshly cut grass is my favourite smell.


At 9:43 PM, Blogger Tinypoppet said...

hello lovely,

I think I might send you my diary one day (no one has ever read it ever so it would be a bit of a big deal!) as I think you would be in for a bit of a shock; it is full of negative/cross/sad thoughts and feelings! This is because EVERYONE experiences these, and I personally find I need to vent them, to expell them, so I can then jump back up and chirp random rubbish at the world again. So writing it down is a positive thing then, yay you ;)

Angels thought for the day: never beat yourself up for having a down day. Because then you would be being down about being down and that is just getting far too silly ;)

Muchly love xxx


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