Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Monday, May 01, 2006

I woke up this morning (actually it was half-past one!) after 15 hours sleep and felt completely awful. When I sleep that much and finally wake up, I feel like my whole body has been drugged and I'm usually pretty confused about what is real and what I dreamt as I have the strangest dreams. Also, I was cross because I was hoping that the not-sleeping-so-much me which appeared last week would continue.

But the good thing is that before I had a chance to grump about things, I had to quickly get ready and go out.

I said I'd help on an Oxfam stall at a fair in the local park. We were in a tent which was really cold and I looked like the Michelin man as I was wearing two fleeces with an XL Oxfam t-shirt over the top which fitted perfectly! Despite the cold, it was fun as we were getting people to draw their faces (I think my art tutors would've been a bit concerned if they'd seen mine) for the Million Faces Petition to demand tougher controls on the arms trade, (you can email your photo to, while listening to steel band music. :)


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