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Monday, May 22, 2006

I haven't made it to college (again) and I've got this stupid annoying cough which I've had for the last couple of weeks and which is doing my head in. I thought about ringing the hospital but when I phoned up a week ago, the nurse didn't seem to care and made me feel like I was wasting her time.

That's one thing I really don't like about Seacroft; that they don't have a designated CF nurse who you can get to know and call or leave messages if you have any problems or need someone to complain to...Someone who sort of brings everything together. Instead you ring the ward, which is obviously really busy, and although you can speak to one of the CF liaison nurses (or whatever they're officially known as), it's not an ideal environment if you want to chat about anything.

While I'm on a roll, I might as well totally demolish them. They've gone for a NHS Charter Mark which is awarded for excellence and I hope they don't get it because they're already pretty arrogant and think they're the best CF hospital in the world, ever.

I used to use the psychologist for the CF nurse role but now she says I don't need to see her anymore as my problems aren't CF-related. The irony is that the CF team promote themselves as being really accessible and it's true that the consultant gives out his mobile number but there's no point in doing this and people having it if you don't feel you can ring it.


At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say ring it! If you do it enough times maybe you will find eventually that you actually get allocated a nurse.

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, as you are so coherent when you write, perhaps, when you feel like it, you could write to your consultant explaining the difficulties you have about contacting a member of the CF team?ask his advice about when is a good time to phone perhaps? Some sunshine might help your cough! good luck. x G

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Simba said...

Thanks, writing a letter is on my list of things to do... at least now I've made a start, or maybe I could just send my consultant a link to my blog!


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