Apologies blog fans for the sporadic nature of my posts recently and especially Take That fans (Kat) for the lack of song-by-song lowdown, detailed explanation of super funky circa 1995 dance moves, Robbie hologram and fab re-recorded version of him singing the intro to Could it be Magic, tango dancing, breakdancing, the Beatles' medley complete with hair-flicks and air guitar, a wicked video explaining how to manufacture a boy band, (They must be soooo very pretty boy next door types, no girlfriends, ambiguous sexuality, knock a few years off their ages...) Lulu's star appearance, a plethora of dancers and acrobats, lights, rain, flames AND fireworks! AND OF COURSE TAKE THAT!
I've been entertaining a whole host of visitors - my sister is here and my auntie and uncle came to see my exhibition and took us out for a nice meal last night (which brought a swift end to my loss of appetite!) - as well as being a bit tired and coughy.
But I'm come to an important realisation - I have man cf. I'm not being derogatory about guys with cf as I know they aren't rubbish at being ill and don't make a big fuss like I do, I mean like men in general who make the biggest fuss about having the littlest cold or man cold as it is commonly known.
I like this definition of a man cold from the
Urban Dictionary: "The name 'man cold' disguises the true terrible, debilitating disease that is the man cold. Nearly all men will die from man colds unless they are administered immediately with large amounts of mindless TV such as daytime TV, or childrens' cartoons. It is essential that they not move from bed or a comfy sofa to allow for rehabilitation, and must have tissues and man cold medicine (such as chocolate biscuits, McDonalds, or a nice cup of tea) brought to them constantly by a nearby female."
"Either I have meningitis, end stage brain cancer, or a man cold."So, I think I have man cf. Here is an example. I wake up and my cough is a bit worse; sounds a bit throaty, I'm coughing more of the time. I've lost my appetite (a bit). I panic. Oh my God, I've got an infection, I need some antibiotics, I should phone the hospital, I better not plan anything for the next week as I'll be in hospital, I'm too ill to move, to do anything...and usually (and luckily) some extra oral antibiotics mostly sort me. But there it is, it's official, I'm an embarrassment to the cf community. I have man cf.