Well, it's not really breaking but I thought it sounded more dramatic and newspaper-like. Anyway the good, great, fantastic, amazing, wonderful (you get the idea) news is that a decision has been made regarding Noodle's living arrangements...And it's been decided that Noodle is going to live with her mummy in Leeds :). Yay!
There is a bit of bad news too... Well it's bad news for me but good news for Noodle. Noodle gets to live with her mummy as long as they move to a house with a garden so Noodle can play outside in the garden during the day. This will probably mean that Noodle will move further away from me, but I won't start getting upset just yet as buying and selling houses always takes months and months. (WHY does it take so long?)
In the meantime, I will take Noodle out on lots of walks during the day to make up for her lack of garden and the traumatic time she has had recently.
And squirrels. Horrible things. They eat our babies. And those cats wee on the tv and video. That's not very nice. Just like what dogs leave everywhere. Us birds only poo on your washing and we only do that now and again for fun. Oops!
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