Being my old negative self, I wasn't feeling very pleased earlier and was thinking I didn't deserve a round of applause because I hadn't finished the photography, colour or sculpture modules. I was just feeling sad that I hadn't done them but now, weirdly I've started to think on my course in a positive light. I remembered all the hundreds of times I said I was going to quit the course because I thought there was no way I could do it, especially in those deepest darkest December days when my stomach was being particularly troublesome, and this made me feel good that I'd stuck with it.
So now, instead of feeling grumpy about what I didn't learn, I'm feeling happy about all the things I did, and am especially pleased with my installation (above). Apparently because I projected my film onto something it becomes an installation and I like that because it sounds more important and worthy of being put in an art gallery. But because it's an installation, it's all taken down now and is no more.:(
Gosh, this looking on the bright-side thing is a really weird feeling, but I think it's definitely the way to go. :)
A HUGE well done and congratulations Ms Simba! Even when it got its hardest and you thought you couldnt do it you ploughed on through and now look you have finished it! You should be immensely proud and I shall paint my nails pink in celebration of your achievements ;) :D xxx
Congratulations - you are an installation Queen!! Hooray for finishing your course and for all your hard work paying off.
Lots of love Kx
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