Long time no post and you nearly had to wait another day (could you have coped?) for this update as H has got all tough with me and is forcing me to tidy up. He says it causes him stress every morning as to get to his wardrobe, he has to navigate his way over my bits of paper, newspaper cuttings and general me rubbish. Oops (embarrassed me face). What has added to his annoyance is that each time he tells me to tidy up I just scoop everything up and put it in a pile next to my bed...until the next time I want something from it or add something to it and it gets spread out all over the floor, again.
Now apparently, I've got to tidy up properly and this is causing me much stress (helped by a few gallons of Rescue Remedy) and I have managed to sort it out a bit. But not before H threw my beloved Simba out of the window and then told me that if I didn't put the newspapers out to be recycled there wouldn't be enough recycled paper in the world and they'd have to cut down more trees! This has obviously spurred me on.
And now for an apology. I got in trouble yesterday with my most avid readers for the lack of a Tinypoppet update. The last one being that she had sent her mum out for some shampoo which seems like a few millennia ago. I'm sorry, I didn't realise I hadn't updated but in my defence I have linked to her blog a few times and again
here (so you don't have to relay on my rubbish updates). The good news is that Tinypoppet-Angelcake might be reading this but the bad news is that my update will probably be totally wrong (obviously being a semi-journalist) and out-of-date.
More good news is that Angel left the constraints of the Brompton hospital on Saturday night to live it up in South Kensington with her family but the bad, bad news is that yesterday morning she had another pnemothorax (that's a record breaking four in just over two weeks) and so has been put on suction and is back being tied to the bed. :( Which, erm, can't exactly be much fun to say the least. So get well soon and keep fighting Angelcake sweetie.
Last but not least, to me! Well, I survived the stomach-turning journey across the middle of Wales and more importantly so did H. I think he was a bit perplexed as being a racing-driver-y (that's the way
The Independent do 'y' words so it must be OK) type loves driving fast on windy roads but had to drive very slowly as I was feeling quite ill. What made this torture worse for him was that it was his birthday!
Anyway, we made it to New Quay in Wales after what seemed like forever and I was soon in eager dolphin-spotting mode as I could see the sea from our hotel window and the hotel owner had told me the cute grey animals that go by the name of dolphin can be seen in the bay. Obviously I couldn't see any and in my usual quick-to-put-a-negative-spin-on-everything way said to H when we were waiting to go out in the boat the next morning. "I bet we won't see any dolphins." Ah, ever the optimist, me.
But to my sheer delight after just ten minutes the captain-y person spotted a dolphin at '11 o'clock' and we stopped to watch it jumping in and out of the water. It was quite far away (I'm not very good with distances) but you could obviously tell it was a dolphin (the fin gave it away) although we couldn't see its cute dolphin-y face. Then we sailed along the coast a bit more and saw some seals. :) Again, we weren't that close (which is obviously a good thing as we didn't want to disturb them). First we saw one on a rock on its own (the grumpy me one) which was all curled up and looked more like a giant slug. Then, on the rock behind there were about seven and looking through binoculars you could see one of them lying on its back, all blubber-y and seal-like, looking at us which was really good.
Then we saw another dolphin and then a group of four - two babies and two mummies playing and jumping around together. Ahhhhhh. YAY marine animals rock!