Seeing as I’m sort of looking for a job, I bought the Evening Post today (from a man in the street, of course, which I think is the most ethical place to buy it). It proudly states on its front page as well as plastering the fact all over its advertising boards that it has 580 jobs inside. What I’d like to know is where do they get this number from? Do they just pluck it out of thin air? There’s a tiny 16 page supplement with maybe a couple of hundred jobs in it, at a push. But in my paper-round days, the papers would be triple size on jobs’ day; so much bigger that they’d hardly fit in my bag and I‘d struggle to keep my balance (I was on my bike) when I first set off. Maybe it’s ‘cos everyone’s on holiday that there aren’t any jobs but then again, I don’t know why I’m surprised as there never are. I guess it’s just hope that keeps us all buying and looking…
It's all about me...not that I am self-obsessed or anything
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