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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Oh no, I woke up this afternoon (!) after a lovely long sleep following the hecticness of the past few days to hear that Emily-Tinypoppet-Angel is back in HDU. :(

Hopefully the surgeon-y types are doing good sticking back lung things as I write this and Angel will be out of HDU asap but obviously it will involve some pretty painful tube-y and sticking type procedures.

Emily's Live Life Then Give Life partner in crime Emma posted this on their myspace site yesterday: "If the lung is going to continually collapse it obviously puts all hopes of going home out of sight as it would simply be too dangerous for her to leave the hospital.

"The basic situation is that Emily needs that double lung transplant and quickly.

"In situations like this it is so hard to sit and watch and wait and feel there is nothing any of us can do to help Emily's chances. But we can. If each of us just mentions to one person tomorrow about organ donation or passes on the number for the Organ Donor Register (0845 6060 400) or the link to our Life Live Then Give Life website, then we have each done one small thing to help Emily get that call."

I know I'm probably preaching to the converted here but I think it's a very good postive-action-type thing to do. So please, wear your donor t-shirts with pride and tell someone about the campaign today. No one likes to think about their mortality but what better way to look at it than that your death could help someone else to live?


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