Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Noodle is on heat which means I can't walk her for a couple of weeks in case she tries to mate with all the other dogs in the neighbourhood! I am quite sad about this as she has been providing me with much needed Noodle therapy. (I really think I should pay Noodle for letting me walk her - rather than the other way round.)

She has been entertaining me with this cute habit she has of rolling on her back in certain patches of grass rather like a cat rolling in catnip. Is this normal dog behaviour or is it further evidence of Noodle being half-cat? (I hope Vanessa doesn't read this as she is not a believer of the part-cat theory.) Anyway, I can understand rolling in the grass, but yesterday she rolled in some mouldy white bread!

Noodle also has a new favourite activity - eating bubbles. She loves washing-up liquid and she loves chasing things, so jumping up and trying to catch bubbles in her mouth is pure Noodle bliss. Licking up the washing-up liquid residue of the one's that she didn't catch is her second favourite activity.


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