Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What's the point in my life at the moment? It's filled with meaningless tasks which I do just so I feel like I've done something. One day I cycle to the cafe or go to the local shops. And the next?...I do the same. Wow! How exciting.

Today I went to Prescription Art but when I got there I found it wasn't on. :( It was annoying because I really needed to go and express my grumpiness on a piece of paper with some nice bright felt-tip pens. I thought about going home and having an art therapy session of my own but then I got waylaid by the idea of buying a guitar I'd seen in the charity shop yesterday. This is the excitement of my life.

I don't feel like the day's wasted though as I was cycling around to all these places, so at least I got out of the house and got some good exercise.

And the guitar? It was still there but when I picked it up I realised it was a boy's one and so was quite teeny tiny. The lady in the shop did the sales pitch thing by telling me it would still sound the same but I wasn't convinced. Also, how would I tune a guitar being an un-musical type?


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