Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I'm doing a lot of sleeping in the afternoon at the moment, which is OK because I'm technically on holiday and therefore it's allowed. Yesterday I curled up and rested on my Grandparent's sofa and then my mum went out and I felt like I was all little again. I'd love to be little again. I've spend a lot of my life wishing I was nine or ten and could play with Lego all day long. I mean, how cool would that be? Obviously it's not very positive or constructive to be 28 and spend your whole time wishing you were still a child, which is probably why I have so many problems. Ho hum.

Anyway one of the reasons I'm tired in the day is because my cats keeping waking me up at night. I think they are the only cats in the entire world who have un-learnt how to use a cat flap. Now they stand by the door waiting for someone to let them in or out, having cunningly forgotten that there is a cat door less than a metre away.

But cleverly, when I come home Beal(e) (dogsy, you can spell it with or without an e) knows that I can let her in through my bedroom window which opens out onto the roof. Beal does this really cute pawing thing where she stands on her back legs like a meercat and paws the window with her front paws to alert me to the fact that she's there. This wakes me up and I let her in, which is cute at first but not after the fifth time when she seems to have remembered how to use the cat flap to go out of the house but not to come back in.

It normally takes Mich a bit longer to cotton onto the fact that I'm back but when he does, he does his baby crying meow which sounds more like sheep's bleat and I let him in too. After a few times of doing this, I just leave the window open, weather permitting, so really I should be happy that it's the summer as otherwise I'd be a million times more tired than I currently am.


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