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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Some days I don't post because I'm too busy but other days, like yesterday, I'm so un-busy that if I were to blog it would be out of character with the unproductive nature of the whole day. Just thought I'd explain.

Today I've been more productive and carried out my first Random Act of Kindness (RAoK). Hurrah! I purchased some chocolate muffins in Greggs which I gave to the friendly lady and her colleagues in the charity shop up the road. The cakes weren't the same class as the ones from Betty's last week but still a good deed, I think.

As I had cakes on the brain, I remembered I was meant to be baking H a belated birthday cake. I've just baked some chocolate fairy cakes and they came out of the oven not too burnt or under-cooked, so all looked like it was going well. Until, I put the icing on that is. Why can I bake cakes but always mess it up with too-runny icing? Surely the baking should be the more difficult bit and the mixing of icing sugar and water should be easy peasy?

Oh dear, I've just realised, I'm probably in trouble again for not giving enough Angel updates. One of the problems I have is that so much happens in an Angel week that it's difficult for me to keep up. This is obviously in direct contrast to my week which has been filled with playing Lego and writing frivolous blogs.

Firstly, last Saturday Angel escaped, not just from HDU but from the hospital to go to her friend's wedding. Muchly hurrah's for that I say!

But this week more excitement was to occur. On Tuesday evening, Angel got a call to say there were a pair of lungs available for her. Obviously by the lack of starred **BREAKING NEWS** headlines and whoops of joy and excitement, the transplant didn't go ahead. :( Firstly, Angel's temperature was too high (I can't even begin to comprehend how awful that must've been) but then there was a problem with one of the lungs. This meant that the reserve recipient who also has cf and who Angel knows (How weird must that have been?) didn't get them either so they went to someone awaiting a single lung transplant.

After the emotional rollercoaster that Angel must have been on during that time she still managed to take time to think about the donor family and wrote on her blog: "Yesterday a family lost a loved one, and at a time of great tragedy decided to donate their organs. Compared to anything I am feeling these are the people who should be in our thoughts right now, and they have given me renewed hope that my chance will come." What a true Angel.


At 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know about the Transplant Games that's taking place in Bath at the moment? The competitors have all had transplants. I met someone in Jewells-like Betty's but not quite-who told the shop about it.I heard myself saying that I knew someone waiting for a transplant then I said,i didn't exactly know her. I hope Angel has a another chance soon. Well done for the random act of k. xxxxxxxpxxxxx


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