I woke up stupidly early this morning. I can't decide what to do. Now I'm too tired to think properly. I don't think I really want to do the course. But then again, lots of times I haven't wanted to do things but when the time's arrived, I've really enjoyed them. I decided 'no' when I woke up at 5.30am, much to the shock of my body which was wondering why my brain was switched on at that time. Now I'm not so sure. I thought blogging about it might help, it doesn't. Maybe I should go and write one of those positive/negative lists.
It's all about me...not that I am self-obsessed or anything
Am probably over simplifying things (I have a bad tendancy of doing that) but if you start the course and dont like it, you could then stop it, however if you dont start it, you will never know if you would have liked it or not.
Anyway if you want a bit of perspective of tragedies and disasters, read my latest entry, appear to have depleted all sweetiebobble stock by mistake. Not quite sure how I will get through the morning... ;)
much love xx
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