Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Today I found a couple of Beale furs on my fleece. (I can tell it's a Beale fur and only a Beale fur because of its mixture of orange and whiteness.) It didn't make me sad, it just made me remember Beale which was a happy and smiley feeling. But, I'm going home tomorrow for the weekend which will be the first time I'll be at home without her so hopefully it won't be too strange and I won't be too sad.

I'm looking forward to going, but why is it I always leave everything to the last minute? I have a big long list of things to do before I go including writing up the minutes from the Friends of the Earth meeting which I went too, erm, quite a long time ago. Also, it seems that I can't put off getting a cold any longer. I thought I still had super-resistance (like last year when I only caught one of H's four colds - a miracle methinks) but it appears not. Am already dosed up on nasal sprays and extra meds which should hopefully do the trick but I just needed to tell you as one of the major requirements of having a man cold is to make lots of fuss about it.


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