Apparently it was a lovely sunny day yesterday. I didn't see much of it as I was making the most of H being out to do lots of lovely sleeping. I did wake up sometime during the afternoon and seeing the clear blueness of the sky I thought I really should get up and go out. My response to which was to go straight back to sleep only to wake up when it was dark!
Anyway, the sleep served its purpose as it enabled me to go out in the evening. Vanessa invited me to her friend's party and I really wanted to go because I had some strange urge to be sociable and also, the guy whose birthday it was works for Oxfam so there was the possibility of begging for a job. Nothing like killing two birds with one stone. Which isn't really a very nice image.
The party was good and I didn't freak out that there were THREE psychiatrists there! OK, well obviously I did a bit but I also managed to get a free consultation in the taxi on the way back. Obviously I was quite drunk to do this and unfortunately I can't really remember what he said.
Apart from the psychiatrists, there were other nice people there and I was very brave for me and just started chatting to people and didn't freak out because they all had functioning lives; careers, houses, friends. Actually, I've just realised that this is a really positive thing for me because I have been known to leave quite a few parties because I couldn't cope with them.
When it came to the dreaded what do you do question, I made light of it and said my mum says "I'm a bit at sea" at the moment which people found quite funny. I then gave them a potted work history (hoping that they'd pick up that I have actually done some good stuff in the past and not be listening when I get to what I am currently doing). I also said I was doing some freelance work. Well I have written a couple of articles over the last few months!
Feeling a bit worse for wear today which is all my own fault but I'm still managing to look after H with his man cold which is the important thing. Oh and the guy from Oxfam told me to give him a call. So fingers crossed.
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