I've finally downloaded the Noodle pics which I took on our last day together and they are just oh so cute (even if I say so myself). It was pretty difficult taking these pics as I was using a video camera (which I haven't quite got the hang of yet) and also because Noodle being a Noodle moves as lightening-fast pace, so just when you think you've got a great picture, she moves and all you get is a shot of her tail or paw, like so...

I was trying to dry Noodle with this towel but all she wanted to do is play.

*Sorry for the interruption but why has a woodlouse just walked across the sofa. They aren't meant to live in houses are they??*
So nearly a great photo...

Ahhhhhh what a cutey, sweetie pie.

Hi Molly no 3
Well i did get onto Youtube and saw a bit of the video but a combination of the vagaries of my computer and me, meant that i didn't see it as i should. You can help me.
3 psychiatrists for free-bargain! If you want a spelling lesson from an ex-spelling teacher-it's one woodlouse and 23 wood lice, like mouse and mice. I think, but someone tell me if im wrong!
So glad you are feeling better. Speak and sqw.... soon x p x
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