Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Seeing as I’ve had a few problems recently (it taking ages to publish individual posts and multiple postings, that sort of thing), I finally decided to change to Blogger “in beta” which Blogger has been trying to encourage me to do for ages. I’m still not sure what “in beta” means but I think the main benefit is that it lets you use more colours and fonts and other cool blogging features which should enhance everyone’s blogging experience. So surely that’s got to be a good thing.

Well, I’m back in Leeds now after a good weekend in the West Country. I even braved a wedding with lots of people from primary school and a few from secondary school. It might not seem a very brave thing to you but both my mum and my sister were really surprised that I said I’d go. And even though I’m not very sorted at the moment, I was able to face people I haven’t seen for over ten years and actually enjoy the experience.

There is no way I would have gone a few years ago even though I was working and therefore on paper it would appear that I should’ve found it easier. So I think this is proof of me getting much better. I was really scared that one of the people there would really hate me as I fell out with our mutual friend in the sixth form, but she was lovely and seeing her was one of the highlights of the night. It was also very good therapy for me as I realised that everyone else isn’t still hung up on what happened at school. They don’t spend their whole time stressing about things that happened 15 years ago and aren’t still upset about things boys said to them in 1989. Instead, they’ve got a grip, moved on and got a life.

While I’m not pretending that I’ve laid all my demons to rest, I feel that (apart from the occasional blip) I’m really making progress. It probably seems from my blog that there is a lot of toing and froing and not much moving forward. But really I think there is. I even threw away most (not all) of the posters I had up at uni and I left there seven years ago. Who says I’m still living totally in the past?


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