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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Oooooh I'm all happy, and sad too. This is my last night at Governor's Bay and now I don't want to leave. I had a fun day - cleaned shelves and cupboards this morning while listening to the radio. Kate Adie came on air and was talking about what was going on in the UK and it was interesting to see how the rest of the world hears about and so sees the UK. She was saying about how the whole country was gripped by the canoeing guy (esp my mum, i bet) and talking about the number of eastern Europeans in the UK and how they'll be someone 'a foreigner' (which I thought was a bit provocative) working in every pub and restaurant. She wasn't saying it was a bad thing, in fact she said it was a good thing but she did say how 4 out of 5 new jobs have gone to foreigners. The overall impression that I got from it was that the situation was a negative one.

Anyway, I phoned up Fi's mum's friends in Invercargil and I'm going to stay with them on Monday. YAY! Apparently the bottom bus (which I found amusing, god i'm so immature) can drop me off right outside their house. Christine sent me a nice email saying she was sure they could fine me some work to do as she hasn't polished all the silver for Christmas (lol). The lol was hers but there seems to be far too much silver cleaning going on in this part of the world. I cleaned a bit of silver on KI and the lady who helps here was cleaning silver on Saturday which i thought was pretty insane considering how many other more noticeable/pressing jobs needed doing (maybe they just needed to leave them for me).

Anyway, anyway. This afternoon I went to my shed and started packing and got quite mad at myself due to all the rubbish i've got and so forced myself to read the articles about Oz and NZ that I have been carrying around since the UK... Then I went for another little kayak (third day in a row) as I just love it so much. The bay is really tidal so you can only kayak at high tide which is why i had to wait otherwise, i think i would've kayaked all day long. I've even been trying out my new waterproof camera - any bets on how long it's going to last?

The waves were a bit more choppy today so it was fun to paddle into them head on and then ride over them (if that makes any sense, i'm not sure it does but i know what i mean and hope you sort of do too). It's been drizzling all day today but I didn't really mind as i was having so much fun even though i made the mistake of wearing trousers in the canoe and came out soaking wet.

After dinner, I had a bath with Biddy (Bridget) which was fun. It wasn't weird because the other day she'd walked into the bathroom while i was having a shower to see if i was ready for trampolining...

So the point is is that I was a bit cross with myself for not accepting the situation. All my talk about accepting things has gone back to talk and for the first few days i was here I was trying to re-create a KI experience when I should've just been accepting it for what it was. After all, the reason i chose this place, as well as the horses and kayaking was because of the kids because i figured that at least there'd be someone for me to hang out with. Now i'm sad because it was too rainy and we couldn't trampoline tonight and i don't really want to leave the girls.

But at least i am travelling. Shock, i know. I'm going into Christchurch tomorrow (Where I have to pick up some meds from the pharmacy. Incidentally, cf consultant was soooo lovely. He gave me water to mix with my colomycin for free because he said it was too expensive and when i asked him to prescribe me Symbicort (an inhaler for you non-cf-types) he said he couldn't do that because they were too expensive and were heavily subsided by the the government but then when he went off to get my water he brought me back a Symbicort :). He did also say that next time it might be a good idea to get in touch with them first so they have all my info...Can you believe i don't have any info about my lung function with me? Oh yes, it's me we are talking about. I took more info with me, a whole intro letter, when I went from Bristol to London. Think i might ask Leeds to email me something. Think also i might write a book on how to travel backwards or rather how to travel and do everything after you should've done it.

Incidentally 2, I thought i better email my consultant in Leeds as the last thing i told them was that i was going to Australia for two months... He didn't seem that bothered about me going to Thailand and just said it sounded like a great trip and for me to go to the Blue Moon Festival, if i'm still there then :).)

So i have booked a bus to Dunedin (seals, albatross and suchlike) and am going to stay at the hostel there for three nights. That's about as travel-y as I get.

I just got a lovely message from George (of KI horse-riding and sheep shearing and cutest children fame) and it made me so happy and i'm so tempted to go back. Let's just see how i get on with this travelling malarkey.


At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kayaking on the real sea-scary or what! I'm too scared to go a pedallo...scary cat p xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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