Am doing good adminy type things in Christchurch so I don't spend the next two months stressing about them-jabs,money stuff,camera,phone. So should be having my jabs for Thailand tomorrow. eek! Did I say I'm going to Thailand? Am flying there at the end of Jan to meet my sis for my birthday. Hurrah!
And til then I'm in NZ. Have arranged to go to a Servas person (a different one to the person I'd originally planned to stay with but she sounds more fun) for two night and then I'm going to a horsey wwoofing place on Friday where I should be for a week if all goes well.
Christchurch is v like Oxford - rivers and greenery and punting and ducks and kids in ridiculous school uniforms. Incidentally two ducks tried to eat my toes today - they came up to me and started pecking them and then came back again and again. Must like salt or something.
Hey you, I spent a lot of time in Christchurhc on my own, its a very nice place but a hard hard thing to do - occupying yourself. I have a contact who runs a sheep farm down near Invercargill where I stayed for a few months - friends of the family. Let me know if you could like her email - they are used to taking in waifs and strays ;)
Enjoy the scenery, I hope all goes well.
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