Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hello from a beautiful spot on the Banks Pennisula where I'm staying with a family of five kids and about 25 horses. There are two adorable six-year old twins who seem to have taken a shine to me and one of them when I had just arrived said I smelt lovely; of perfume and golden cream, which I think is just about the best thing that anyone has ever said to me. I think it was Julia but it may have been Bridget, however one of their friends was impressed that I could tell them apart after half an hour.

They like me bouncing them up and down on the trampoline and I'm happy to oblige although they seem to have no concept of the fact that i may not want to go on the trampoline just after I have eaten or just after I have stopped due to the fact that I am all bounced out.

It's a gorgeous, gorgeous spot - 180 acres with private beaches and everything and I have my own shed which is 5 mins away from the house. There is a 'long drop' toilet which I think has the best view of a toilet anywhere in the world - it would certainly be hard to beat it. pic to follow.

(Third good thing about having to spend money on meds as initially (obviously)i was going to buy the cheapest camera, not because I couldn't afford a more expensive one but because I'm super mean esp when it comes to myself, but after spending that money, I decided to buy one that is Lucy-proof (mistake with the first one) and may actually last. Also Min Wook from Korea who was wwoofing with me in Victoria had a similar problem with his camera (lens error- i think mine was caused by sand, no surprise there then) which may or may not have been my fault...basically I passed the camera to him and he didn't grab it and it hit a rock and the lens won't open just as mine won't open. So I decided I'm definitely jinxed. Anyway new camera is all sealed as it's sand and waterproof and you can take it under water to a depth of 1.5m. My sis will be pleased as she likes taking pics of all the pretty fishes.)

So when I first arrived on Friday night I was all happy and smiley and thinking, I can't believe I've found another spot so gorgeous - how lucky am I?

But, there's always a but, the next day I had to get up at 6.30 to go to a pony show. That was fine but because of the kids and the set up - it's difficult for me to get any time on my own and it took me a few hours to work out that playing with the kids wasn't part of my four hours work. (The more places I stay, the more I realise how lucky I was on KI...) So I was missing being alone (although I've been a bit lonely, having quality time alone is still very much needed especially with so much energy around) and I asked Rob (dad) when I should be up on Sun and he said they were going to have a lie in and to come up when I wanted company. Now I realise that their idea of a lie in was til about 7.30 and they assumed I'd be up at nine but because I'd been on the go all of the day before, I figured I could take it a bit easy and do my work in the afternoon. Apparently not. Penny came down to my shed at 11 and was pretty pissed off and said the deal was four hours work, blah, blah, blah. And I said I know and I'll do it and I asked what time I should be there and I wasn't given a clear answer and was really tied after yesterday. Anyway it was fine and I had to muck out a paddock and the twins helped me which was so cute and then I had to collect seaweed from the beach which wasn't such a bad job.

As much as I love playing with the twins as they are adorable, it's lovely and peaceful now as they are at school. And so I've spent the morning cleaning the kitchen (which I think is the most disgustingly dirty kitchen I've ever seen and even after spending four hours cleaning, it still doesn't look that much different to me.). Anyway I cleaned and listened to Radio National NZ and had a pretty chilled out morning. Now Penny (mum) and Poppy (13) have gone to town and I'm here all on my own, which is why I can use the internet in the day. Well, actually there are three dogs here too, one of which followed me back to my shed last night and slept with me. It was soooo cute.

The other kids are Alice (16) who's too cool to hang out here much and Oscar who's 9 and has Downs Syndrome. He's pretty cute and also likes trampolining and videos.
Now I think I'll run away to my shed before the kids get back from school...


At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hallo woofing w

I like the idea of you bartering with a pharamicist. I'm going to try at the posh new Wrington chemists.

Your experience sounds more succussful than my bartering at a brussels flea market.

The doc is right-a travelling free spirit doesn't want to be too organised. Mich says meeow and thanks for the lovely postcard. love your p xxxx

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes p made some woman at the fleas cry and then her children had to starve.


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