Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Today was meant to be the exciting trip to York day. However my stomach is still being badly behaved and so the trip's been postponed 'til tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Luckily for me, H is very self-sufficient and can entertain himself for hours in the garage doing things like cleaning cars and stripping engines and err, I'm not sure what else but he can happily stay down there for hours.

The good thing about this is that I realise how damn annoying unhappy stomachs are and I no longer hate myself for missing so much college this time last year. (Umm, what is it about this time of year that my tummy doesn't like?) So, hurrah, I'm giving myself a break for once. I just hope I don't have to give myself too much of a break and that my self-medication of stomach-sorting stuff does the trick. I always thought those doctors where pretty much guessing anyway, after all they are essentially lung specialists.

Another good thing is that I've realised that tidiness is good for my mental health. Sitting in an unusually tidy and hoovered room is very relaxing compared with the chaos I usually have to contend with. So yay for extreme tidiness. Long may it continue...

I better go now as it's time for my next dose of medication. I'm sure that quite-hard-and-not-very-chewy-chocolate-brownie is the perfect thing to mend my tummy and that all cf doctors would prescribe it if only they knew of its secret curative powers.


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