Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I've had a headache all day because I woke up early but despite that it's been remarkably productive. I managed to leave the house before midday (well just) which seemed very early for me and went into town. I met my friend Emily and then we went to a Prescription Art group where I drew a picture of some fishes that looked like it'd been done my a four-year-old and another picture that just consisted of lots of illuminous yellow arrows. If only I could remember what my art therapist would've said about these pictures I could probably learn quite a lot about what's going on in my head right now. Ho hum, I'll just have to make do with blogging to try and sort it out.

After that, I went to see the person who runs the volunteer bureau to find out what amazing volunteer opportunities there are in Leeds. It turns out that there's quite a lot, so we shall just see what happens, or rather what I make happen. I've finally realised that I've got to make my life how I want it and that no one is going to appear out of nowhere and rescue me... Err, why has it taken me so long to realise this most basic life fact? Anyway it means there's no excuse for me staying at home and doing nothing.


At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Luc,

Sorry for long absence from your blog - has been a bit of a hectic summer but I have been trying to have a bit of a catch up read. Its maybe too late now (I'm not sure when the deadline was) but if you still can I think that you should sign on for your course. I read in one of your blogs that you are writing as often as you can in order to try and understand yourself better when you look back at what you have written. In my absence I have noticed that you seemed generally to sound much more positive about everything when I was last regularly reading your blog which was while you were doing your course last year. The lack of structure without it over the summer seems to have left you searching for other things to fill its void. I say sign up again. Even if you don't enjoy it at least you will have somewhere that you should be everyday even if you don't always make it there! Also it gives you projects and things to think about other than life the universe and everything.
Aside from all of that - in London at the moment and would love to see you if you are ever in town! Just let me know and maybe we can arrange to meet up.
Lots of love


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