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Saturday, September 23, 2006

H needed cheering up on Thursday night so decided to go to some comedy. I was going to go too, until I realised that it was the same night as a talk about an eco-house in Leeds. Obviously I couldn't miss that, and it was clear that a talk about an eco-house would happy-me up more than comedy! The talk was good, although most of the people there were in there late forties or older. Every time I go to these things I expect there to be a bunch of crazy passionate green young 'uns and each time I'm disappointed. Oh well, I guess you live in hope of these things, especially as I need some friends!

Today we saw Little Miss Sunshine which is a comedy about a dysfunctional family on a road trip and was tres funny. I thoroughly recommend it: there were just enough freaky characters for me but not too many for H's liking, and plenty of laughs for both of us.

We (well actually H) also carried out some Random Acts of Kindness (RAoK) today in the form of giving strawberries to Big Issue sellers. I'd forgotten RAOK's (being self-obsessed an' all), although I did email someone the other day about some old Ecologist magazines I'd promised them six months ago (where does the time go?). Now I've said I'll take them round, I've realised there are loads of articles I want to read and I don't really want to part with them. Oh well, hardly the end of the world. Wow! What rationality, almost like that of a normal person.

This blog is a bit weird and disjointed so I'll just end it by saying a belated get well soon to my auntie who broke her leg in the summer and is off work for three months.


At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your kind thoughts much appreciated! Thank you. X G

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw 'Little Miss Sunshine' on Friday night and loved it as well. Most recommendable indeed Kx


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