Cool things that have happened since my last blog (in no particular order):
I went to yoga again and it rocked, again. And did a bit more here as well.
I drove the Jackaroo (jeep-type thing) back from Kingscote (which is about an hour's drive away) and then to and from Kingscote which is pretty scary as the roads are mainly unsealed so all the grit piles up like sand making them rigidity and rough and slippy. The high prevalence of kangaroos, wallabies and possums who jump full-speed out of the bush and onto the roads also adds to the stress of the journey. So while I've spent most of my time in Oz desperate to see native wildlife now I'm desperate not to see them.
I took part in the community penguin census and using my newly-found penguin-honing skills found a penguin nest with two chicks in it and them saw lots more very cute chicks (or baby penguins as I like to call them).
I read Illusions by Richard Bach (of Jonathan Livingston Seagull-fame) and really, really liked it.
I went to the other side of the island with George, Rachel's cousin and her two little kids, who are adorable, and did lots of touristy things (sorry no pics as while I remembered my camera, I forgot to charge it) including: walking to Remarkable Rocks; seeing lots of New Zealand fur seals sleeping, playing and fighting at Admirals Arch; spotting 30 koalas at Hanson Bay; walking along Vivonne Bay which was voted one of the top beaches in Australia; rolling down the massive sand dune at Little Sahara until I felt like I was going to be sick; sandboarding (once) and taking a guided tour of some cool caves, with lots of stalactites and stalagmites, which are unusual because they were created in a sand dune.
I also learnt how the local park rangers messed up a burn-off and instead of burning 100 hectares burnt 1000. The fire was pretty intense and in some parts just a few blackened twigs remain giving the impression that the area has suffered from some kind of nuclear fallout.
I fed some horses including a week-old foal.
I looked after an eight-week old puppy for the afternoon and took him to the beach where he feel asleep in my lap.
I saw lots of pelicans (and took pictures of them).
I played Scrabble three times.
I cleaned lots of windows (am getting better at it but don't think I'm going to make window cleaner of the year).
I watched some films, of which, Tuesdays with Morrie was the best.
I watered the garden some more and the cucumbers and tomatoes are growing lots.
I went to meet the school bus which had a box of food for us from the local shop. How cool is that?
I feel asleep on the beach (I think only once).
We had another party at the Stone House and partook in crazy dancing until the early hours,
And today I finally moved out of the Stone House, luckily of me, the guests were upgraded to the Cliff House, so I got to stay on but now I've moved to the flat which is still pretty cool although I am tempted by the Teepee in the garden...
Fantastic! Would I rather be with you or Belvaring? I'm coming.. x
wow, oh golly wow - what a lovely time on KI. How will you ever leave the wonderful and peaceful place?
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