I've sorted out the link now, turned some pics around so you don't have to stand on your head to look at them and added more.
But here's the coolest thing ever. I'm a bit worried to write about it because it all seems too good to be true. But this is where I'm staying next http://www.life-time.com.au.
Woohoo! I haven't won the lottery and am not going to be paying the $850 a night fee but I will be staying there for free in return for doing three hours work a day. It's probably a good job that I'll have to go to the mainland in the next month of so to restock my meds otherwise I might just stay here forever and ever.
wicks...you should do some yoga there x
What a treat! KI is one of my favourite places - I envy you. Jo
I am soooo jealous. It looks beautiful. Grrrr :( Scotland just doesn't cut it anymore.
Well done you.
Also, I have a question for you. Who are those lovely men you're with?! have I missed a post about their mysterious identities?
Fi, again
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