Fortnight2007_webb1.gif (image) [Fortnight2007_webb1.gif]

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Luckily, (good positive start) after I wrote my last post, I managed to go back to sleep for an hour and half. I did wake up slightly panicky at 9.00am (I'm meant to be in work for 9.30am) and although I missed my nebs and was a bit late, no one noticed as my boss was even later than me (he was suffering with a man cold). Going back to sleep was fantastic as without it, I wouldn't have been able to survive the day.

The end of last week wasn't too bad and a million times better than last week but then again, I guess it couldn't really be worse. Although my productivity over the last week wasn't as high as I would've liked, I did achieve some good things (see how positive I can be if I try) such as writing press releases which resulted in newspaper articles (hurrah!), cementing those all-important contacts and I even had a good idea to publicise the re-opening of a local shop.

Actually, it's interesting how different a few hours makes as if I'd posted this morning, I would've just complained about how terrible I felt: thanks to waking up drenched (oh the joy of night sweats) which left me feeling like I'd just completed 50 rounds with Mike Tyson.

I'm not sure why I'm in a good mood, maybe it's because I actually left the house and walked in the sun a bit. Apart from that, the afternoon hasn't been that successful as I had to resort to accosting people off the street to attend a fairtrade event I'd organised at a local independent cinema: free fairtrade films, a free tour of the Picture House, and free fairtrade tea, coffee, juice, cake and biscuits. But despite it all being free, free, free and a lovely big article in yesterday's Evening Post promoting the event, only a handful of people showed up. Oh well, at least I've learnt a few lessons for next time. If the Picture House will ever hold an event with me again that is...


At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free tour of the Picture House and free bics-I would have been there! (even if it wasn't the Curzon.) Well done beanie babe. love from the p and the boy xx

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry more people didn't attend your fair trade event but you still got the publicity, well done. Glad you managed to make time for some fresh, sunny air and there should be lots more of it now its really spring! Good luck for this week. Be kind to yourself! x G


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