Long time no see (or read or write) but here I am back to my sofa snuggling position complete with duvet, laptop and radio, ready to reveal all. Or maybe not, as that would take a very long time as there were quite a few ups and downs, and also, I am trying to start the year on a positive note so all negative thoughts are being banished. Forever. Or at least for now.
So I hope you had a great Christmas. I did and am glad I didn't cancel it as I had tried to do at the beginning of December when I was feeling very unfestive and grumpy and wondering what the point in it was. But hey, it's fun, isn't that enough? I even got an alpaca which is totally cool AND ethical-like. Cue visit to nearby alpaca farm on the next available sunny day. Hurrah!
Positive thought for the day: I'm soooooo glad I didn't agree to work today. I'm a sleepy old me and although I wrote a long list of jobs to do, I don't think I'll be doing many of them; real life can wait one more day.
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