It's Monday morning, just and here I am blogging away. I am still trying to be more efficient but, er, true to form my week hasn't started off as efficiently as I'd like. Part of the reason for this is that I got up ridiculously, ridiculously early yesterday to go and watch H's friend race a huge engined buggy-type car thing around a sandy track. When I first got there, I was wondering what I was doing at a race meeting so early in the morning, and through choice. My body was still very confused about being up so early and seeing the sun so low in the east of the sky. Um, probably best not to speculate as to when I last saw a just risen sun but it was a good experience and I think that yesterday was the first time in a very, very long time that I was up to see the (almost) rising and setting sun. It should've done wonders for my S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which, of course, I've diagnosed myself.
The racing was actually quite fun (I'm whispering this because I don't want any of my green friends to disown me...) and getting up early even meant that we got home and there was time to do other things. Other things being things where little activity is required such as lying on the sofa snuggled under a blanket and listening to music and dancing by moving my feet and toes around, or reading the paper.
***Newsflash***The Oxfam guy just rang me, thanks to the party and him being a friend of Vanessa's. I know it shouldn't be like this but it is. Contacts, contacts it just makes things sooooo much easier. He's very friendly but I think I came across as being a bit too desperate in thanking him for calling me back and for leaving me a message... "Thank you, thank you kind sir, I am really honoured that you, you great Oxfam person are ringing me. I will bow down in your presence and polish your vegetarian, fair trade shoes." Or something like that.
He keeps asking me what I'm doing now and I mumble and say, er, I'm doing some freelance work. "Didn't you get my wonderfully amazing cv which proves I'm totally over-qualified for volunteering?" Or not as the case may be. I know I've said this before on here but I seem to be mumbling (lying) about what I'm doing quite a bit recently. I just hope I don't get rumbled and they want to take me on as a volunteer and I'm OK at it. (I'm sure he's far too busy to try and Google me and there's no way to link me and this on the web. Luckily I didn't put the web address on my cv, this time!)
My big fear though is what happens if they take me on and I'm rubbish at it and get sacked? Can you get sacked from volunteering? Maybe I've forgotten how to work or at least how to work in a team (to be honest it was never my strong point)? So in normal me-fashion, solving one problem just leads to one hundred more. The standard Oxfam thing is for a volunteering commitment of two days a week for six months which I said I could do and I also said I could start straight away, but obviously didn't want to appear too much of a desperado (it's a difficult balance). So we meet up on Wednesday and I guess I should just take it from there rather than jump ahead to a million and one potential problems which may or may not arise.
I know this colour is gross but I like it. ;)
Hallo mumeee
You r dooing lots! I went too my furst FLASH meating and mi targettt is to sleep on my blankie most off the day and play with jac and socs. I will ceep mine if you ceep youurs!
Mi nex targs is to lurn two spll.
love Mr Mich xx
Congrats on meeting your targets and on making things happen. Keep calm about the Oxfam volunteering, you can do it! and you will do it very well! Believe in yourself! Charm them all with your lovely smile. Very much looking forward to seeing you and Henry on 16/17 Dec! love G X
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