Why am I online checking when the swimming pool is open when I know what time the swimming pool is open and have already planned my trip there? I even have the car today so there is really no excuse and yet here I am busily trying to find one.
Anyway a big YAY for the Queen's speech for including a climate change bill, heavily campaigned for by Friends of the Earth and other green types. Let's hope the government now sets tough targets.
On other campaigns (I know I'm a bit late with this), you can click here to ask Starbucks to stop bullying Ethiopian coffee farmers.
For every cup of coffee sold by coffee chains, farmers in countries like Ethiopia earn about three cents. Yet the coffee industry makes billions of dollars – Starbucks alone has already made more than $5.8 billion this year. To give its 15 million farmers a better cut of the profit, the Ethiopian government has asked Starbucks to sign an agreement that recognises Ethiopia's legal ownership of the names of its coffees. Despite its much-publicised commitments to farming communities, Starbucks has not taken the Ethiopian request seriously.
By owning the rights to its fine coffee names, Ethiopia can help its farmers negotiate a better price, potentially increasing income for the country’s coffee industry by an estimated $88 million a year. This would help lift millions of farmers and their families out of poverty, helping them to send their children to school and access healthcare.
As part of the campaign you should also boycott Starbucks, which I'm sure you are already doing purely for the reason that you don't want every high street in the country to look exactly the same. Yes, I know Starbucks makes the yummiest cappuccinos but they are also a big, huge multinational (equals evil) and should be avoided at all costs. As usual I am being my normal hypocritical self but I have vastly cut down my visits from a time when I could only survive work by knowing there would be a cappuccino waiting for me at the end of it
While you're feeling all politically-campaigning-like click here to sign the petition calling for an investigation into the murder of Anna Politkovskaya. She was a reporter for the Russian paper Novaya Gazeta and was murdered in Moscow on 7 October.
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