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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ohh look I've just found out that I can write in different colours. Have I always been able to do this or is it a new beta feature? Oh dear, another example of incredibly slow me. Also I can change fonts and do all kinds of exciting things (well actually that's about it really).

I went to the supermarket the other day after being inspired by environment minister Ben Bradshaw telling people to leave their packaging there. After reading about journalists doing it, I thought I'd try it too. I didn't have that many over-packaged things but it's amazing how good it makes you feel (well me, anyway) to take your fairtrade bananas out of their stupid plastic packaging and leave it by the checkout. (I know it wasn't exactly a large protest but you've got to start somewhere.) The supermarket attendant didn't say anything and as I left she just put it in a bag by her till which made me think she is quite used to this practice.

This is a call to arms, boys and girls, to remove the packaging for over-packaged goods (after you've bought them) to let the supermarkets know that we don't want it. Now I'm planning a trip to Tescos just so I can empty out everything and leave a huge pile of plastic packets and bags and cardboard labels in my wake.

And if you think it won't work, the following is from a recent Friends of the Earth email:

Finally "to warm your hearts“ here is what top BBC political correspondent Nick Robinson said in his comments in the BBC studio immediately after the Queen's Speech. "People often say does anything change politics? Well it has here. Friends of the Earth did a rising campaign for a climate change bill, ministers pooh poohed the idea. "What is the point of a bill�" they said. "Nonsense, it wouldn't be worth the paper it is written on." David Cameron then adopted it as his key theme. Menzies Campbell's first big policy announcement was on green taxes and ministers gradually have said: "Okay a Bill."

HURRAH! Go people power.


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