TAKE THAT IN PICTURES (apologies TT fans for the delay)

And lastly but by no means least, the left luggage saga... I didn't want to travel across London just to drop off my nebs, so I thought I'd leave it at left luggage. But being a bear of very little brain, I hadn't checked what time it closed and just assumed, it being central London an' all that it would be a 24hr sort of place. (Though, I had checked that there actually WAS a left luggage place in Euston which was very organised and forward planning-like for me). It actually shut at 11pm so, I thought that we probably wouldn't be back for then (Oh, how right I was...) and decided to take my all my stuff with me.
My sister was convinced they wouldn't let me in and so a couple of frantic phone calls to H to ask him to look on the internet to see if there was a cloakroom at the arena ensued. There wasn't. But we hadn't been to Milton Keynes Bowl before and didn't realise it basically just a big field with a big bank like an amphitheatre.
Anyway, I offloaded some of my things onto my sister and I managed to stuff my massive rucksack (Which was mostly empty apart from my nebs. Why, on earth, did I bring a huge rucksack with me?) and my nebs into a smaller bag. When we got to the entrance I looked around for a friendly security guard who wasn't going through people's bags in too much detail. He opened my bag and asked, "What's that?", so I told him it was for asthma and he said, "I better leave it well alone then" and that was it. Hurrah! Plastic bottles are banned but nebs are allowed, remember that pop pickers if you're ever going to MK Bowl.

And then another mini-saga to get home... Firstly we were stuck in a human traffic jam getting out of the arena. Then when we finally got to the station there were about a thousand people there (seriously), luckily we managed to sneak on a direct train that was just about to leave. We arrived at Euston at 1am (good job I didn't leave my stuff in left luggage) but then there were no buses or taxis going our way. :( Finally after 45 minutes a bus decided to turn up but it then took ONE HOUR to go to Victoria because someone had decided to dig up Oxford Street on a Saturday night (thanks, guys).
Despite the fact that I was beyond exhaustion and felt like I was never going to get home, I managed to keep my eyes open just enough to see all the hive of activity that was going on in central London at 2am on a Sunday morning. I couldn't believe how many people there were busying about in the middle of the night. Why weren't they asleep? Don't they need sleep? 'Cos I certainly do. After waiting for another bus, we got to my sister's, just after 3am and slept and slept and slept.
Wow, what an adventure! Your energy levels last week were incredible,congratulations on managaing to fit everything in. It was so good to see you looking so lively and well last Wed.
Many congrats on finishing the course and qualifying! I know its not been easy but you've done it!!
Fantastic! hope the sun keeps shining in Yorkshire.P.S. thank you so much for your beautiful words on the card you sent us. x G
woooooo YAY!! Go Ms Simba! Sounds like a fantastic event :D Glad you had a good time chica and I suspect muchly sleeping was well and truly needed! Cool photos as well, I love hearing about other people's adventures so thanks for sharing :)
Chat soon, love as always xxx
FANTABULOSO photos Ms Simba!! Looked very very cool indeed. A spectacle one might say....Kx
Thanks guys, but the photo compliments should go to my sis (who is also responsible for most of the other cool pics on my blog).
The only TT one I took was of the feet!!
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