This week's gone quickly. In fact, every since the clocks went forward, the days have gone even quicker than before - which is saying something. I've never known days to be so speedy - except when I sleep all day that is. Or I should say, when I used to sleep all day long because sleeping all day long isn't happening anymore. No, no, no.
Anyway, today I sheared a sheep (or is it shore?). OK well only a tiny bit at the end but it was pretty cool and I even have some pics (shock) although I have to admit that I did cut the lamb's bottom as I was too busy smiling at the camera... But as the shearer said, sheeps don't feel pain, right. I also held a lamb although I gave it to George when the elastic band was being put on its tail and balls... Didn't think I'd be able to hold it still enough for that as I could hardly stop it wriggling out of my hands when I was just holding it. The peeps (George's friends) I was helping said I'd make a good shed hand as I was good at sweeping up the lamb's tummy wool and other the lower quality wool from floor. So there's a job for me in NZ.
On the way too and from the shearing, I saw the local koala (or koalie as I like to say) hanging out in its tree. On the way it was eating and on the way back you could just see a really big grey lump in the branches. Coo-el.
Yesterday, I cleaned out the back of the beach shack and started painting it which was fun although not as good as my job the other day when I had to clean out the spa. Cleaning the sand out of the spa was tough because it's on the cliff overlooking the beach so obviously I had to warm it up and float around like a mermaid while trying to get the sand out using a towel. Predictably, it took me a while to perfect my sand-removing technique.
Other things I've been up to: Last Friday, which was a gorgeous day and I read lots (and did lots of philosophising on the beach) we went to the taverna for dinner. The taverna is right on the beach and it's all set up so pretty-like with lots of candles. And while Rachel and Jess cooked for me, I had to collect firewood and light the fire. I've now perfected the technique of lighting the fire with one match which isn't actually that difficult when you've got loads of kindling and paper. There was a full moon, which I've now learnt was a harvest moon and because of refraction (maybe?) the moon looms very large and low in the sky. It looked pretty amazing and was so bright so we could see the waves lapping at the shore as we ate yummy food and had good wine (again).
On Saturday the weather turned and we cleaned up the houses ready for the guests which included my spa (ahem) work. There were guests in Saturday night and when there are guests in, it means everyone else works in the evening but not me - that was when I wrote part one of my new philosophy.
On Sunday (my last post), I went up to Kate's and saw her animals. She's just got another baby kangaroo called Bouncy to add to her menagerie. Min, the kangaroo I fed last time, had been a bit ill so I had to hold her still while Kate gave her an antibiotic shot. She's so cute and I held her paws as I cuddled her. I then went to the beach which was awesome as the sea was so rough and the beach was only a few metres wide, compared to the thirty or so it normally is. Where does all that water come from? In the evening, I finished reading The Prophet, which I'd dismissed (or rather not appreciated in the past), lit a fire in the homestead (main house) and then Jess bought me a cheese platter and wine.
Monday, I did some washing and then we did yoga and had dinner in the Cliff House - look on the website to see its coolness. My job was to light the fire. In front of which is a pit with fluffy cushions and rugs where we hung out and drunk more wine and ate chocolate. (A lethal combination, me and fluffiness and wine but somehow I didn't spill anything.)
Tuesday we went to Kingscote for lunch (via some puppies - they were so cute, three of them hanging onto their mother to drink at the same time) and did some shopping, then came back and did yoga which nearly killed me (esp my abs - two days running tho, pretty hardcore) and then had dinner in the homestead.
Wednesday, I did more laundry in the morning and then babysat for George's kids in the afternoon.
One of the things I love most about the island is the animals, and the space, although obviously the two go together. George has got loads of animals: one horse, three ponies, a sheep, a pet magpie (Aussie magpies are much friendlier and lots of people have ones they've rescued as pets), some other birds, a feral cat called Snorkel who's now not feral at all, a dog and probably some other animals I've forgotten about.
The animals and space, I love it. Oh and the scenery is pretty good too. And the people really friendly and 306 other reasons why I don't want to leave.
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