Well hello from Melbourne. Before you start getting confused, I have a few hours here before my connecting flight to Thailand. I thought it was going to be horrible being here (time between flights is six hours) but it's really quiet and I managed to sleep and do my nebs and drink lots of water - and, even blog. shock. Sorry for the lack of emails/blogs but i've been finding it quite difficult to fit everything in. Also i've realised that i have been ridicously stressed and the last couple of days really prooved that.
I was shattered when i arrived in Chch and when i went to the hospital on monday, I had decided that i wasn't going to go to Akoroa as it was too much and should just spend a couple of days chilling by the river. The docs agreed but as so often on my travels, which could account for some of my stressfulness, i completely changed my mind. I'd made a decision and then decided to do the complete opposite.
This time it totally worked out. I got the shuttle to Akoroa and thought i'd just get a hostel when i got there but the two in town were full. At this time i was starting to panic a little bit but i knew there were hostels around that could pick me up. I went into the tourist info and a French girl was going up to a farm hostel, i asked the tourist lady to see if they could take me too...and they could.
Sophie, from France, was lovely as was everyone at the hostel and when i got there i told the guy who owns it that i could cry because it was so beautiful and i'd only wished i'd found it before. I thought i could only stay one night becuase i had to pick up some meds but after muchly stressing (which wasn't really needed) I worked out i could stay two nights.
So much for my relaxing, I played volleyball (v badly), went for a four hour walk (which seems nothing now as i've been walking laods-altho i get really out of breath going uphill but lung function tests show that it's because i haven't been taking my DNase (not enough refridgeration and no way anyone overseas would prescibe it for me as it's sooo much money) anyway apart from that all's good and at least i know the reason why i get more out of breath, and last but not least went dolhpin swimming.
Last night i went to stay with Averil who is the Servas host i stayed with at first. She was lovely and took me to the airport this morning.
Hopefully i'll see susie in a few hours. yayyyyyy!
Hiya, glad you made it through NZ ok in the end. Enjoy Thailand - and remember to realx once in a while :)
Have fun
Hiya birthday girl! hope your flight to Thailand was ok. i bet your glad to see your sis have a great birthday and a great time seeing and relaxing in thailand. Big Happy Birthday from me & Grace sends her usual chocolate mouth kiss!!! take care katie xxxx
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