Still here, still OK...ish. Work is busy and I'm concentrating on that, rather than the other not so fun things that are going on in my life at the moment.
Spoke to my friend Katie tonight and she reminded me that moving out is an excellent opportunity for a big sort out. (Sorting out is something she's very keen on!) Katie's also sad that she lives far away and can't help me, but I think it's a good thing as she'd probably have a panic attack if she saw all the rubbish I keep.
Yes moving out and moving on is usually the best time to declutter. 'Never have anything in your house you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful' - William Morris I think. But still, it's tough, I hope you're OK about it all. I would insert a quizzical looking face in here if I could.
Keep smiling, look for the silver lining in everything :)
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